Fits the parameters of different models of response time and confidence, including
the 2DSD model (Pleskac & Busemeyer, 2010), dynWEV, DDConf, and various
flavors of race models (Hellmann et al., 2023). Which model to fit is
specified by the argument model
Only a ML method is implemented.
See ddynaViTE
, d2DSD
, and dRM
for more
information about the parameters and Details for not-fitted parameters.
- data
where each row is one trial, containing following variables (column names can be changed by passing additional arguments of the formcondition="contrast"
(not necessary; for different levels of stimulus quality, will be transformed to a factor),rating
(discrete confidence judgments, should be given as integer vector; otherwise will be transformed to integer),rt
(giving the reaction times for the decision task),either 2 of the following (see details for more information about the accepted formats):
(encoding the stimulus category in a binary choice task),response
(encoding the decision response),correct
(encoding whether the decision was correct; values in 0, 1)
(optional; giving the subject ID; only relevant iflogging = TRUE
; if unique the ID is used in saved files with interim results and logging messages; if non-unique or missing andlogging =TRUE
, 999 will be used then)
- model
character scalar. One of "dynWEV", "2DSD", "IRM", "PCRM", "IRMt", "PCRMt", or "DDConf" for the model to be fit.
- fixed
list. List with parameter-value pairs for parameters that should not be fitted. See Details.
- init_grid
data.frame or
. Grid for the initial parameter search. Each row is one parameter constellation. See details for more information. IfNULL
a default grid will be used.- grid_search
logical. If
, the grid search before the optimization algorithm is omitted. The fitting is then started with a mean parameter set from the default grid (ifinit_grid=NULL
) or directly with the rows frominit_grid
, if notNULL
. (Default:TRUE
)- data_names
named list (e.g.
). Alternative possibility of giving other column names for the variables in the data. By default column names are identical to the ones given in the data argument description.- nRatings
integer. Number of rating categories. If
, the maximum ofrating
is used. This argument is especially important for data sets where not the whole range of rating categories is realized. If given, ratings has to be given as factor or integer.- restr_tau
numerical or
. For 2DSD and dynWEV only. Upper bound for tau. Fits will be in the interval (0,restr_tau
). If FALSE tau will be unbound. For"simult_conf"
, see the documentation ofd2DSD
- precision
numeric. Precision of calculation for the density functions (see
for more information).- logging
logical. If
, a folder 'autosave/fitmodel' is created and messages about the process are printed in a logging file and to console (depending on OS). Additionally intermediate results are saved in a.RData
file with the participant ID in the name.- opts
list. A list for more control options in the optimization routines (depending on the
). See details for more information.- optim_method
character. Determines which optimization function is used for the parameter estimation. Either
uses a box-constrained optimization with quadratic interpolation. (Seebobyqa
for more information.) The first two use a box-constraint optimization. For Nelder-Mead a transfinite function rescaling is used (i.e. the constrained arguments are suitably transformed to the whole real line).- useparallel
logical. If
the grid search in the beginning is done with a parallel back-end, using theparallel
package.- n.cores
integer or
. Number of cores used for parallelization. IfNULL
(default) the number of available cores -1 is used.- ...
Possibility of giving alternative variable names in data frame (in the form
condition = "SOA"
, orresponse="pressedKey"
Gives a one-row data frame with columns for the different parameters as
fitted result as well as additional information about the fit (negLogLik
final parameters), k
(number of parameters), N
(number of data rows),
, AICc
and AIC
) and the column fixed
, which includes all information
about fixed and not fitted parameters.
The fitting involves a first grid search through computation of the
likelihood on an initial grid with possible sets of parameters to start the
optimization routine. Then the best nAttempts
parameter sets are
chosen for an optimization, which is done with an algorithm, depending on the
argument optim-method
. The Nelder-Mead algorithm uses the R function
. The optimization routine is restarted
times with the starting parameter set equal to the
best parameters from the previous routine.
stimulus, response and correct. Two of these columns must be given in
data. If all three are given, correct will have no effect (and will be not checked!).
stimulus can always be given in numerical format with values -1 and 1. response
can always be given as a character vector with "lower" and "upper" as values.
Correct must always be given as a 0-1-vector. If the stimulus column is given
together with a response column and they both do not match the above format,
they need to have the same values/levels (if factor
In the case that only stimulus/response is given in any other format together with
correct, the unique values will be sorted increasingly and
the first value will be encoded as "lower"/-1 and the second as "upper"/+1.
fixed. Parameters that should not be fitted but kept constant. These will
be dropped from the initial grid search
but will be present in the output, to keep all parameters for prediction in the result.
Includes the possibility for symmetric confidence thresholds for both alternative
=logical). Other examples are
z =.5
, sv=0
, st0=0
, sz=0
. For race models, the possibility
of setting a='b'
(or vice versa)
leads to identical upper bounds on the decision processes, which is the equivalence for
in a diffusion process.
Parameters not fitted. The models get developed continuously and not all changes are adopted in the fitting function instantly. Following parameters are currently not included in the fitting routine:
in race models:
, andsmu2
. Each row should be one parameter set to check. The column names
should include the parameters of the desired model, which are the following for 2DSD:
, vmin
and vmax
(will be equidistantly spanned across conditions), sv
, z
(as the
relative starting point between 0 and a
), sz
(also in relative terms), t0
, st0
, theta0
(minimal threshold), thetamax
(maximal threshold; the others will be equidistantly
spanned symmetrically for both decisions), and tau
. For dynWEV,
additionally w
, svis
, and sigvis
are required. For the race models the parameters
are: vmin
, vmax
(will be equidistantly
spanned across conditions), a
and b
(decision thresholds), t0
, st0
, theta0
(minimal threshold), thetamax
(maximal threshold;
the others will be equidistantly spanned symmetrically for both decisions), and for
time-dependent confidence race models
additionally wrt
and wint
(as weights compared to wx=1
opts. A list with numerical values. Possible options are listed below (together with the optimization method they are used for).
(all) number of best performing initial parameter sets used for optimization; default 5, ifgrid_search
. Ifgrid_search
, thennAttempts
will be set to 1 (and any input will be ignored). Ifgrid_search
is notNULL
, the rows ofinit_grid
will be used from top to bottom (since no initial grid search is done) with not more thannAttempts
rows used.nRestarts
(all) number of successiveoptim
routines for each of the starting parameter sets; default 5,maxfun
) maximum number of function evaluations; default: 5000,maxit
('Nelder-Mead' and 'L-BFGS-B'
) maximum iterations; default: 2000,reltol
) relative tolerance; default: 1e-6),factr
) tolerance in terms of reduction factor of the objective, default: 1e-10)
Hellmann, S., Zehetleitner, M., & Rausch, M. (2023). Simultaneous modeling of choice, confidence and response time in visual perception. Psychological Review 2023 Mar 13. doi: 10.1037/rev0000411. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36913292.
# We use one of the implemented models, "dynWEV"
# 1. Generate data
# data with positive drift (stimulus = "upper")
data <- rdynaViTE(20, a=2,v=0.5,t0=0.2,z=0.5, sz=0.1,sv=0.1, st0=0, tau=4, s=1, w=0.3)
data$stimulus <- "upper"
# data with negtive drift (stimulus = "lower") but same intensity
data2 <- rdynaViTE(100, a=2,v=-0.5,t0=0.2,z=0.5,sz=0.1,sv=0.1, st0=0, tau=4, s=1, w=0.3)
data2$stimulus <- "lower"
data <- rbind(data, data2)
# Transfer response column and add dummy condition column
data$response <- ifelse(data$response==1, "upper", "lower")
data$condition <- 1
# Take some confidence thresholds for discrete ratings
threshs <- c(-Inf, 1, 2, Inf)
data$rating <- as.numeric(cut(data$conf, breaks = threshs, include.lowest = TRUE))
#> rt response conf stimulus condition rating
#> 1 0.79 upper 2.296680 upper 1 3
#> 2 0.60 upper 4.104573 upper 1 3
#> 3 0.45 upper 1.871163 upper 1 2
#> 4 1.25 upper 4.046767 upper 1 3
#> 5 0.45 upper 2.982649 upper 1 3
#> 6 1.01 upper 2.579970 upper 1 3
# 2. Use fitting function
# Fitting the model with these opts results in a pretty bad fit
# (especially because of omitting the grid_search)
# \donttest{
fitRTConf(data, "dynWEV", fixed=list(sym_thetas=TRUE, z=0.5, st0=0),
grid_search = FALSE, logging=FALSE,
opts = list(nAttempts=1, nRestarts=2, maxfun=2000))
#> v1 sv a z sz t0 st0 theta1 theta2
#> 1 0.6528794 1.077076e-07 2.181787 0.5 0.6164659 0.3372639 0 0.5878522 1.04179
#> tau w svis sigvis lambda
#> 1 1.116034 0.4231972 2.98577e-06 0.6340736 0
#> fixed negLogLik N k BIC AICc
#> 1 sym_thetas=TRUE, z=0.5, st0=0, lambda=0 271.3058 120 11 595.274 566.6486
#> AIC
#> 1 564.6116
# }